Founder's Welcome,
As a student of both traditional and non-traditional learning, it became clear to me that both platforms, with all their benefits, have been made available in an ineffective mix. Depending on the course of study, the curriculum may have to be very rigid, non-negotiable. More about memorizing and learning what to think instead of how to think. But numerous studies and have shown that using a variety of learning materials and how those are taught increase the learner's ability to not only remember the material, but also expand their overall thinking skills, beyond the classroom. Information without application is useless. In theory, the infromation can be an important springboard to creating updated and new realities. But only if it is allowed to take root in the student's mind.
The learning you do here, through Wei Chi University, is designed to challenge you to your next level of thinking. We grow your ability to reason and become the best you. It isn’t about test scores, degrees or the regurgitation of all that has gone before. Yes, one does need to understand the basic foundation of the corriculum, but the measure of success is in your ability to take informtion to some place new, some place different. We will provide that bridge to help you advance your knowledge to a whole new level, so you can, in turn, advance humanity and not lie stagnant in a pool of useless facts. The guiding inspiration for this site, Wei Chi, instructed us, "All structure was created to transcend, however one cannot transcend what one does not have." So yes, there is a need for learning structure, but notas an altar to worship. Your education is a foundation that allows you to allows onward, outward and ever upward.
Wei Chi University is a place for connecting with other non-traditional learners and seekers. A place where your expansion as a person, as a human being and as a divine spark of the human existence is only limited by your willingness to do the work, make the effort and put the time in to do so.
Also at Wei Chi, we recognize that all individuals have within them value which they may chose to teach from and we encourage our learners to also step up to the plate and be our teachers. To share what they have discovered in their journey, as long as it is done in a harmonious way with our vision and mission. All walks of life, ages, genders, races, and orientations have value to share, if they wish to do so.
If you are interested in contributing your specialized corriculum to our University offering, please reach out to us at WeiChiUniversity@gmail.com.


Dr. Kevin Ross Emery
Our Vision

Through empowered learning, development of critical thinking skills, the instilling of self-responsibility and the expansion of the student into a greater self we help to shape, mold and facilitate leaders who will lead humanity out of it’s current chaos into a higher order and way of being. ​
Our Mission

Through the blend of traditional and nontraditional styles, formats and subject matter that a better critical thinking, problem solving and holistically minded citizen, of the world, emerges to help guide, direct, shape form and lead humanity to it’s next great adventure. Course will develop thinking skills in multiple areas of study through interactive, experiential and cutting edge ways using the old, the new and helping to develop the yet to be discovered ways of teaching, learning and facilitating the greatest expansion of the student as a whole being.