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ADD/HD Vacations 101


Isn’t it Time for Vacations to be Fun Again?


Don’t Let ADHD Ruin Your Vacation.


Family vacations can be stressful and challenging for anyone. Having a child who is gifted with ADD/HD can bring the challenges to a whole new level.


Can you afford to have another vacation compromised by the negative aspects of ADHD?


Think back to last summer. What went right? What challenged your time together? Are you going to repeat these patterns or are you ready to learn new responses? Ask about our popular tip sheet: "Five Tips to Help You Have a Great Summer Vacation". 

School For, Of, & By The Gifted


This school is for who recognize and help others recognize the unique value and giftedness of those who society has prejudged as inadiquate, disabled or some other negative label.  


In this school, we help people move labels to identifiers. We teach people to first recognize and celebrate their unique differences. With their personal identity firmly established, they are then equipped to help other recognize, support and celebrate the differences that within themselves and the world around them. 

© 2015 - 2020 by Wei Chi University

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